Our Be A Cub Night

Melanie, our District Cub Leader, ran a 'Be A Cub' night for us to show our Cub's parents what Cubs do and what they are all about.

Grand Howl for the first activity for the night.

The it was on to 'inspection'. I'm not sure Daniel's mum Jodie has been inspected for quite some time.

Melanie reading a cubbing story to the boys

and the parents listened in too.

The Intrepid Group Leader showed everyone the art of using a compass, and the not the pointy one you use to draw circles either.

Kaa shows his skills in bead threading.

Ting, Daniel and Jodie have a go too.

Melanie starts the knotting demonstration.

While Cameron shows everyone fold their scarf

and the Intrepid GL tries to sow everyone how to find their way back home without a GPS in their cars.

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