Award Scheme

The Award Scheme is designed for Venturers. Its aim is to widen the interests and knowledge of Venturers. Its rationale is based on the Aim and Methods of Scouting allowing for fun, variety, personal choice and to assist in planning for a balanced program. It is intended to be a challenge and like all challenges, it will have some parts that the Venturer may not really want to do at the time, but will be glad to have done when he/she looks back. It is a system for encouraging people to have a go at a wide range of activities.

There are two parts to the Award Scheme. The main part is the general activity that leads from the Venturing Skills Award to the Queen's Scout Award. The other part is the Major Interest Award that is intended for the Venturer who is heavily involved in a particular sport or activity. This Award is only incidental to the general program. There are also a number of special badges that can be gained.

The Venturing Skills Award requires the participation of the Venturer in a number of activities which will enhance his/her participation in the Unit activities. The requirements cover basic skills in bushwalking, campcraft, map reading, knotting and first aid. The Venturer also needs to understand the Award Scheme.

The Queen's Scout Award has four main Award areas - Community Involvement, Adventurous Activities, Personal Growth and Leadership Development. The Venturer can choose from an immense array of activities to satisfy the requirements of the Award Areas.

Community Involvement Award - involves the Venturer in activities around citizenship, service and the environment. First Aid is a necessary achievement for health and safety for adventurous activities.

Adventurous Activities Award - will challenge the Venturer in initiative, expeditions and outdoor activities.

Personal Growth Award - is a great opportunity for the Venturer to find out a great deal about themselves through expression, ideals, mental pursuits and their lifestyle.

Leadership Development Award - will prepare the Venturer for adult responsibilities in a democratic society by involving them in Unit management and leadership courses. It also gives them an opportunity to study employment prospects for the future.

In gaining the Queen's Scout Award, the Venturer will not only experience some great times and have fun but will also develop new skills of lasting value.

The Queen's Scout Award is a significant step in Venturing. The Award has outstanding status within Scouting and the community. Consequently, the activities and the standards are made challenging and inspirational.


Hey Mum!....Where does my new badge go??  Just follow the images below and work it out.

Right Sleeve

Um, errr - Left Sleeve

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