Visit To The Police Airwing

On Monday 25th of November the Unit, along with Central Venturers, payed a visit to the Police Airwing at Essendon Airport. Matthew arranged the visit as part of the Queens Scout Citizenship Award but it would have been worth it just to go as a night out. We were greeted at door and immediately taken to a conference room to be shown videos and PowerPoint presentations. During the hour and a half we were there, Senior Constable Rosemary spoke to us on issues such as:

  • the many and varied roles of the Airwing,
  • the operational issues relating to how the Airwing get their calls
  • shift types and lengths
  • how Police members become part of the Airwing (did you know that most of the pilots did not initially come from the Police Force but from the Army or private industry?)
  • the Police's relationship with the Ambulance Service
  • the workings of the F.L.I.R. and night sun
  • the roles of each of the aircrew and the training required to be part of the Airwing and
  • the history of and types of helicopters used by the Airwing.
We cannot thank S.C. Rosemary too much. She did a fantastic putting up with us and answering all the leaders questions. This is a night out well worth it for everyone. I highly recommend it to all members of the movement.

After our time in the conference room, Senior Constable Rosemary took us into the hanger with strict instructions "Break it and it's yours!!".

Does anyone have a spare $16,000,000????

In the background you can just see one of the older helicopters which is packaged for sale. A steal at $4,000,000 but they didn't take EFTPOS. What a way to arrive at V.G.!!

We all listen intently to S.C. Rosemary (she's hiding behind Peter) as she describes how the helicopter and all its features operate. An interesting feature is the distinctive tail rotor. It draws enough air to pull a fully grown man off his feet from 2 metres away.

Inside there are seats for the pilot and navigator. Behind them (in the middle to balance the weight) sits the crew member who operates the F.L.I.R. (infrared camera). Anymore crew than that and they have to carry less fuel due to the weight issues.

Bouf doesn't weigh much and he can say (if he could talk) that he was the only member of the Unit who actually got to sit in the helicopter.

So there's a scratch in the front windscreen? I can fix that. That will be $20,000 thank you sir.

I think Bouf needs longer legs if he is to reach the pedals. Besides, I don't think they steer with their noses anymore.

Bouf sits on the F.L.I.R. trying to get the best view. Trouble is that I think it would be a bit noisy and windy.

Peter (Central Venturer's V.L.) and Bouf hanging on for his life.

The Airwing has 3 operational helicopters. The one above, a smaller Squirrel which is mostly used in bush areas as it is only has a single engine (and isn't it small) and one which is fully equipped as an air ambulance.

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