Venturer Night @ Melbourne Gang Show

On Friday 24th June, we again attended Melbourne Gang Show's Venturer Night.
A bit of background here. Over the past few years various members of the Unit have been part of the show. This year 1st Deer Park's contribution to Gang Show grew even further and took new directions.  The following table shows how.

Cast: Sarah (Scouts), Cameron and Rachael (Venturers), Ambre (Rovers) and Jason (A.S.L.)
Tech Team: Kristy (Venturers) who helped build the props and then worked in Make-Up during the running of the show.
Catering: Lesley (Ambre's mum) and Sheryn (Sarah's mum)
Souvenirs Alexis (Cameron's mum and A.S.L.)
Box Office: The Intrepid Leader
Badge Work The Intrepid Leader

So, not only were the rest of the Unit supporting those in the Show, but we could also use the night as part of the Expressions Award and have fun at the party afterwards.  The photos are courtesy of the MGS Photo CD by David Reeve and Doug Scott. The originals are different dimensions to what is usually used on this site so the thumbnails might be a touch skinnier.

Before the Show gets anywhere near the theatre there are sets to make and props to paint.  This is Kristy making a gun as a prop in act 1.

Anyone who has ever been in Melb Gang Show knows Don.  He has been about for a long, long time and is a living legend with ALL the cast of the show.

This is Max.  Be afraid, very afraid.

At rehearsals, the Intrepid Leader helps out by processing ticket orders.

Cameron's Patrol - Shylock

Kristy's Patrol - Ophelia.  No Kristy though.

Rachael's Patrol.- Portia

Sarah's Patrol - Juliet

Jason's Patrol - Mac Beth

Ambre's Patrol - Miranda

On the Sunday morning of the last weekend rehearsal, its out the back of Ringwood S.C. for the big Group Photo.  Would you believe this is only about half of those involved in the Show?

Jason as 'Qyuhn' is the first act.  I ask you, does he look like a 'Qyuhn'?

Ambre and Cameron get in the groove.

Rachael and Lisa talk about how rehearsals are going.

One of the last things that happens before the cast go to theatre is those who have never been in the Show before are presented with their Red Scarf.  This is Leigh from our friendly Keith Farquar Rover Crew being presented with his.

Cameron was also presented with his Red Scarf.

Bump In.  Almost as bad as Bump Out.  

Hold it like this so we can tie this on here.

Nearly time now.  Rachael gets her make up applied.

Kristy applying make-up to yet another cast member.

Cameron all dressed up for his part in Act I

Ambre makes a caring mum.

While Sarah gets in the groove for her part in Act I.

Towards the end, Cameron and the rest of the cast all lived happily ever after.

Ambre in her skeleton outfit for Act II.

Little monsters everywhere in Act II.  The one on the right is Sarah.

And Cameron is the one on the left.  He looks all snug and warm rather than a monster.

Rachael on the left and Lisa on the right in the 'Under The Sea' scene in Act II

Jason, what a 'doll'.

Rachael hamming it up.

Ambre helping one of the lead roles in Act II.

The finale is always an energetic, fun time with everyone giving it their all.

Rachael moves forward to take her bow.

The finale on the final night means steamers, lots of streamers.

After the curtain goes down on the final night, everyone holds their scarves above their heads and sings ' these Golden Days'.

Also, as part of the proceedings after the curtain goes down, the V.I.P.'s come backstage and address the cast.  This is Ken Bayley, one of the original script writers for Melb Gang Show and a former colleague of our Rachael's dad. 

Their is always a Guide night.  The lady giving the speech is Ellen Boyd, the State Commissioner for Guides.

Andrew Taylor, the producer of Camberwell Showtime.  Little did we know at this stage that Kristy would be working in audio at C.S.T. just a few weeks later.

After the V.I.P.'s have left, it's time for Rob to hand out the 'well done' certificates

Then it's time to start the big clean up.

One of the tasks the Intrepid Leader undertakes for the Show is the co-ordination of the Scout badge work.  Here he is sitting with Chris from the Production Team working out who has done what for their Entertainers, Performing Arts or Expressions I Awards.

An important part of the Show is the ticket selling competition.  Paul and Rob present certificates while the Intrepid Leader holds the ticket selling ladder.

After the run of the Show is over, its party time. Sam, Ambre and Lisa relax at the after party.

Rachael, Paul and Kristy partied on .........

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