2007 Activities Page

Welcome to 2007. Never since the Unit rekindled in 1998 we have faced the challeges we will face in 2007. We are establishing ourselves in a new home and in first term will lose the only 2 Venturers left in the Unit with any experience. While we still have one who has done any real Venturing, the remainder of the Unit members are either new to Scouting or fresh from Scouts.

Never the less, the Unit will face these challenges head on and continue to offer an interesting yet challenging program and hopefully grow to the strong and proud Unit we once were.

Ballarat Go-Karts

March 15th

Dark Zone and Lazy Moe's

March 21st

Jet Sprint Boats

March 31st

Konrad's Investiture

May 23rd

Snow, Beautiful Snow

July 20th, 21st and 22nd

Trout Fishing

August 12th

Brad's Coming Up

August 16th

Brad and Bao's Investiture

August 20th


August 24th, 25th and 26th

Hamburger Eating Competion

August 27th

Jacob's Coming Up

September 20th

Indoor Pistol Shooting

October 15th

Home Activities Award Scheme Duke of Edinburgh Honour Roll Important Docs Member Rolls Program

Queens Scout Honour Roll Venturer Vibes